positive psychology

positive psychology

Tal Ben Shachar gives a course in Harvard on Positive Psychology. His course is the most popular course with over 700 students attending. Tal explained that his course is popular, not because he is so dynamic and outgoing, but rather the subject matter is so relevant to people nowadays. There are many studies and methodologies dealing with helping depression but not so many on how to be happy (the ratio is 31:1). The absence of depression does not mean there will be happiness. Having general unhappiness is something that plagues many people nowadays.…Read more
positive psychology

positive psychology

I took a course this year in positive psychology, a new and popular field. Positive psychology is the "scientific study of what makes life most worth living" or the study of happiness. One topic explored in the course was the myths of happiness. Happiness seems to be something everyone is constantly striving for, and yet seems almost unattainable. One of the problems with seeking happiness constantly is our unrealistic expectations regarding how to be happy, as well as our definition of happiness. Many people equate happiness as the feeling as being on a…Read more
הפרוטוקול הגמיש

הפרוטוקול הגמיש

I trained this year in a new therapeutic approach, that combines working on emotional regulation through CBT in a more creative approach geared for the creative art therapies. In hebrew it is called, הפרוטוקול הגמיש, taught and created by Shelly Zantkaren and Yael Sharon. Emotional regulation is the ability to regulate and control our different emotions. Some children and adults have a very difficult time controlling and understanding their emotions. This approach teaches one to understand and work through emotions in a very thorough way.  The approach is based off of the Cognitive…Read more